Dualer Student (m/w/d) Human Resources

  •  Cologne
  •  ab sofort


SUNZINET is an owner-managed digital agency. Since 1999, the lead agency has been accompanying and supporting its customers with holistic solutions for the digital transformation process. From strategy to realisation, the range of services includes architecture, analytics, platform and individual development, digital marketing, e-commerce and digital workplace.

160 employees work on customer projects along the entire digital value chain. SUNZINET's customers include Bayer, Boesner, Bosch, Bundeskunsthalle, Creditreform, Ecclesia, Niedax, Rheinische Post, Schöffel, Stage and Swarovski. According to the German Digital Economy Association, SUNZINET is one of the top 11 owner-managed digital agencies in Germany. SUNZINET has been honoured with the Red Dot Design Award, the German Design Award, several German Brand Awards and the Annual Multimedia Award, among others. SUNZINET has several offices across Europe, including in Germany, Austria and Poland.


Your Tasks

Als dualer Studierender tauchst du Schritt für Schritt in die HR-Welt ein – wir zeigen dir alles rund um die Personaladministration, Recruiting und moderne HR-Prozesse. 


  • Unterstützung bei der digitalen Personalakte, Vertragserstellung & Bescheinigungen
  • Verwaltung von An- und Abwesenheiten der Mitarbeitenden

Recruiting & Bewerbermanagement

  • Erstellung und Veröffentlichung von Stellenausschreibungen
  • Screening von Bewerbungen und Terminkoordination mit den Fachbereichen
  • Mitwirkung beim Active Sourcing über soziale Netzwerke

HR-Kommunikation & interne Projekte

  • Mitgestaltung der internen Kommunikation über Intranet & Team-Meetings
  • Externe Kommunikation (z. B. Kununu, LinkedIn)

Your Profile

  • Allgemeine Hochschul-, oder Fachschulreife
  • Du strebst ein Bachelorstudium der Wirtschaftspsychologie, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang an und suchst einen Praxispartner 
  • Freude am Umgang mit Menschen sowie an administrativen Tätigkeiten
  • Hohe Eigeninitiative, Zuverlässigkeit und Teamgeist
  • Strukturierte, sorgfältige und selbstständige Arbeitsweise
  • Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und gute Kenntnisse in Englisch 

We offer

It is important to us that you feel comfortable, enjoy your work and continuously develop yourself. In addition to exciting projects, SUNZINET offers you an attractive working environment:

Shape your future in one of the top lead agencies for digital transformation. We value your initiative and look forward to receiving your application!

SUNZINET is diverse, open and tolerant. Your application depends solely on your qualifications, experience and you as a person.

Send us your complete application documents including CV, letter of motivation, salary expectations and desired starting date. For security reasons, we ask you to send us everything in one PDF.

  30 Vacation days

  Flexible Hours

At SUNZINET you can start your day flexibly and use your free time before or after work for yourself.

  Modern Workplace

At every location we offer you a modern and stylish workplace - whether it's a loft atmosphere in our HQ in Cologne, a view of the water in Gdansk or a direct downtown location in Hamburg. Each location has something special and they all contribute to an inspiring and appreciative working atmosphere.


All employees have the option of leasing a company bike through our partner Bikeleasing. 

  Employee Events

We have a lot to do - as a balance, our management ensures a successful change with a fun factor. That strengthens the team spirit!

  Dogs allowed

SUNZINET is happy to support dog owners and allows dogs to be brought into the agency, provided that all colleagues in the office agree.

  Commuter Ticket

In Hamburg, SUNZINET subsidizes the public transport ticket up to €40.00 gross per month.


Bettina Schmitz
Tel: +49 221 355 009 - 24

SUNZINET GmbHSchanzenstrasse 23
51063 Köln
